Set-up a TC

New TC proposal (TAC-N10)

Any subscribing member is entitled to present a new RILEM Technical Committee (TC) proposal.

An application form (TAC-N10) is filled and signed by the proposed TC Chairperson*, who has to be a RILEM Individual Member. This form is sent to RILEM Secretariat General, either by the proposed Chairperson or through the Cluster’s Convener in charge of the main thematic activity covered by the TC proposal.

The 6 fields of activities currently treated by active RILEM TCs are:

  • Cluster A. Material Processing and Characterization (Convener: Susan Bernal Lopez)
  • Cluster B. Transport and Deterioration Mechanisms (Convener: Josée Duchesne)
  • Cluster C. Structural Performance and Design (Convener: Kei-ichi Imamoto)
  • Cluster D. Service Life and Environmental Impact Assessment (Convener: Anya Vollpracht)
  • Cluster E. Masonry, Timber and Cultural Heritage (Convener: Arun Menon)
  • Cluster F. Bituminous Materials and Polymers (Convener: Eshan Dave)

Each future TC Chairman should clearly identify the final user of the work to be done by the proposed TC.

This proposal is sent by RILEM Secretariat General to each TAC member, for comments and discussion during the RILEM March or September meetings. If needed, a revised proposal will be drafted by the proposed TC Chairman to fulfil the TAC and clusters recommendations.

After recommendation by the TAC and approval by the RILEM Bureau, which verifies that the terms of reference of the proposed TC fit into the technical programme of RILEM, the RILEM TC is created (possible creation in less than 6 months, in case the proposal is accepted without modifications).

New TCs are expected to provide two letters to RILEM technical letters, one at the beginning of the TC (reporting the state-of-the-art, the research needs and the rationale of the new TC creation) and one at the end of the TC (with an overview of the work done, remaining open questions, and future prospects).

* The roles of TC Chair and Deputy Chair are restricted to one TC each. Individuals cannot simultaneously hold the position of Chair or Deputy Chair in more than one TC. (Milan 2024)