
Over 200 RILEM Technical Recommendations have been produced by RILEM Technical Committees. Many of these recommendations have been adopted in research and practice, and are used by international standardisation bodies, as a basis for their work.

All RILEM recommendations reflect the state-of-the-art at the time of publishing. Note that these documents may be superseded later by more recent recommendations.

Technical Committees Recommendations published by Springer from January 2006 until now

Recommendation of RILEM TC 269-IAM: damage assessment in consideration of repair/retrofit-recovery in concrete and masonry structures by means of innovative NDT, Methods for damage assessment of concrete members by AE measurements utilizing passive elastic wave measurements, February 2025

Recommendation of RILEM TC 309-MCP on terminology for mineral carbonation construction products, February 2025

Recommendation of RILEM TC 269-IAM: damage assessment in consideration of repair/retrofit-recovery in concrete and masonry structures by means of innovative NDT, Methods for damage assessment of concrete members utilizing active elastic wave measurements, January 2025

Recommendation of RILEM TC 289-DCM: Guideline for designing and operating long-term marine exposure sites, March 2024

Recommendation of RILEM TC 256-SPF on fire spalling assessment during standardised fire resistance tests: complementary guidance and requirements, December 2023

Recommendation of RILEM TC 256-SPF on the method of testing concrete spalling due to fire: material screening test, October 2023

Recommendation of RILEM TC 281-CCC: Test method to determine the effect of uniaxial compression load and uniaxial tension load on concrete carbonation depth, July 2023

Recommendation of RILEM TC 271-ASC: New accelerated test procedure for the assessment of resistance of natural stone and fired-clay brick units against salt crystallization, May 2023

Recommendation of RILEM TC 264-RAP on the evaluation of asphalt recycling agents for hot mix asphalt, January 2022

RILEM Standard: testing methods for determination of the double-K criterion for crack propagation in concrete using wedge-splitting tests and three-point bending beam tests, recommendation of RILEM TC 265-TDK, December 2021

Recommendation of RILEM TC 258-AAA: RILEM AAR-0 outline guide to the use of RILEM methods in the assessment of the alkali-reactivity potential of concrete, October 2021

Recommendation of RILEM TC 258-AAA: RILEM AAR-8: determination of potential releasable alkalis by aggregates in concrete, October 2021

Recommendation of RILEM TC 258-AAA: RILEM AAR-10: determination of binder combinations for non-reactive mix design using concrete prisms -38 °C test method, October 2021

Recommendation of RILEM TC 258-AAA: RILEM AAR-11: determination of binder combinations for non-reactive mix design or the resistance to alkali-silica reaction of concrete mixes using concrete prisms -60 °C test method, October 2021

Recommendation of RILEM TC 258-AAA: RILEM AAR-12: determination of binder combinations for non-reactive mix design or the resistance to alkali-silica reaction of concrete mixes using concrete prisms -60 °C test method with alkali supply, October 2021

Recommendation of RILEM TC 258-AAA: RILEM AAR-13: application of alkali-wrapping for concrete prism testing to assess the expansion potential of alkali-silica reaction, October 2021

Recommendations of RILEM TC 287-CCS: thermo-chemo-mechanical modelling of massive concrete structures towards cracking risk assessment, June 2021

Recommendation of RILEM TC 261-CCF: test method to determine the flexural creep of fibre reinforced concrete in the cracked state, May 2021

Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB on fragmentation test for recycled asphalt, July 2019

Recommendation of RILEM TC 260-RSC for using superabsorbent polymers (SAP) for improving freeze?thaw resistance of cement-based materials, July 2019

Recommendation of RILEM TC 249-ISC on non destructive in situ strength assessment of concrete, June 2019

Recommendation of RILEM TC 252-CMB: relationship between laboratory short-term aging and performance of asphalt binder, June 2019

Recommendation of RILEM TC 243-SGM: functional requirements for surface repair mortars for historic buildings, February 2019

Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB on affinity between aggregates and bituminous binders, December 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 238-SCM on hydration stoppage by solvent exchange for the study of hydrate assemblages, December 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB: protocol for characterization of recycled asphalt (RA) materials for pavement applications, October 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 260-RSC on Using Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP) to mitigate autogenous shrinkage, October 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 260-RSC on Testing sorption by superabsorbent polymers (SAP) prior to implementation in cement-based materials, September 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB on Cohesion Test of Recycled Asphalt, September 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 250-CSM: Test method for Textile Reinforced Mortar to substrate bond characterization, July 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 241-MCD on interface debonding testing in pavements, July 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 238-SCM: determination of the degree of reaction of siliceous fly ash and slag in hydrated cement paste by the selective dissolution method, January 2018

Recommendation of RILEM TC 236-BBM: characterisation testing of hemp shiv to determine the initial water content, water absorption, dry density, particle size distribution and thermal conductivity, April 2017

Recommendation of RILEM TC 246-TDC: test methods to determine durability of concrete under combined environmental actions and mechanical load, March 2017

Recommendation of RILEM TC 237-SIB on complex Poisson?s ratio characterization of bituminous mixtures, February 2017

Recommendation of RILEM TC 232-TDT: test methods and design of textile reinforced concrete, May 2016

Recommendation of RILEM TC 242-MDC: multi-decade creep and shrinkage of concrete: material model and structural analysis, April 2015

Recommendation of RILEM TC 218-SFC : Sonic methods for quality control of fresh cementitious materials / Testing of fresh concrete by ultrasound transmission

Recommendation of RILEM TC 212-ACD : acoustic emission and related NDE techniques for crack detection and damage evaluation in concrete / Measurement method for acoustic emission signals in concrete

Recommendation of RILEM TC 212-ACD : acoustic emission and related NDE techniques for crack detection and damage evaluation in concrete / Test method for damage qualification of reinforced concrete beams by acoustic emission

Recommendation of RILEM TC 212-ACD : acoustic emission and related NDE techniques for crack detection and damage evaluation in concrete / Test method for classification of active cracks in concrete structures by acoustic emission

Recommendation of RILEM TC 200-HTC : mechanical concrete properties at high temperatures ? modelling and applications. Part 1 : Introduction ? General Presentation

Recommendation of RILEM TC 200-HTC : mechanical concrete properties at high temperatures ? modelling and applications. Part 2 : Stress-strain relation

RILEM TC 190-SBJ : development of recommendations on novel durability test methods for wet-applied curtain-wall sealants

Recommendation of RILEM TC 190-SBJ : service-life prediction of sealed building and construction joints, pp.1487-1495

Recommendation of RILEM TC 190-SBJ : service-life prediction of sealed building and construction joints, pp.1497-1508

Update of the recommendation of RILEM TC 189-NEC ?Non-destructive evaluation of the concrete cover? « Comparative test - part I ? Comparative test of penetrability methods », Materials & Structures, v38, Dec 2005, pp.895-906


Technical Committees Recommendations published by RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. between January 1996 to December 2005

Recommendation of RILEM TC 189-NEC "Non-destructive evaluation of the concrete cover": Comparative test - Part II: Comparative test of "Covermeters"

Recommendation of RILEM TC 189-NEC "Non-destructive evaluation of the concrete cover": Comparative test - Part I: Comparative test of 'penetrability' methods

RILEM TC 191-ARP 'Alkali-reactivity and prevention - Assessment, specification and diagnosis of alkali-reactivity' AAR-5: Rapid preliminary screening test for carbonate aggregates

Recommendation of RILEM TC-HTC 'Mechanical concrete properties at high temperature - Modelling and applications' Part 10: Restraint stress

Recommendations of RILEM TC177-MDT: Masonry Durability and on-site Testing MD.E.1 Determination of moisture distribution and level using radar in masonry built with regular units

Recommendation of RILEM TC 182-PEB on bending beam and rheometer measurements of bituminous binders

Final Recommendation of RILEM TC 176-IDC 'Internal Damage of Concrete due to frost action' Test methods of frost resistance of concrete: Slab test: Freeze/thaw resistance of concrete - Internal deterioration

Final Recommendation of RILEM TC 176-IDC 'Internal Damage of Concrete due to frost action' Test methods of frost resistance of concrete: CIF-Test: Capillary suction, internal damage and freeze thaw test) - Reference method and alternative methods A and B

Test method recommendations of RILEM TC 177-MDT 'Masonry durability and on-site testing' - D.5: In-situ stress - strain behaviour tests based on the flat jack

Test method recommendations of RILEM TC 177-MDT 'Masonry durability and on-site testing' - D.4: In-situ stress tests based on the flat jack

Test method recommendations of RILEM TC 177-MDT 'Masonry durability and on-site testing' - D.3: Determination "in situ" of the adhesive strength of rendering and plastering mortars to their substrate

Test method recommendations of RILEM TC 177-MDT 'Masonry durability and on-site testing' - D.1: Indirect determination of the surface strength of unweathered hydraulic cement mortar by the drill energy method

Recommendations of RILEM TC 167-COM: Characterization of old mortars Characterisation and damage analysis of old mortars

Recommendation of RILEM TC 129-MHT 'Test methods for mechanical properties of concrete at high temperatures' Modulus of elasticity for service and accident conditions

Recommendations of RILEM TC-154-EMC: "Electrochemical techniques for measuring metallic corrosion" Test methods for on-site corrosion rate measurement of steel reinforcement in concrete by means of the polarization resistance method

RILEM Recommended Test Method AAR-1 'Detection of potential alkali-reactivity aggregates' Petrographic method

RILEM Recommended Test Method AAR-0 'Detection of potential alkali-reactivity in concrete' Outline guide to the use of RILEM methods in assessments of alkali-reactivity potential

Final recommendation of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete sigma-epsilon-design method

Recommendations of RILEM TC 154-EMC: Electrochemical techniques for measuring metallic corrosion Half-cell potential measurements - Potential mapping on reinforced concrete structures

Recommendations of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete: bending test

Recommendations of RILEM TC 178-TMC: 'Testing and modelling chloride penetration in concrete' Analysis of water soluble chloride content in concrete

Recommendations of RILEM TC 178-TMC: 'Testing and modelling chloride penetration in concrete' Analysis of total chloride content in concrete

Recommendations of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete Design of steel fibre reinforced concrete using the sigma-epsilon method: principles and applications

Recommendations of RILEM TC 139-DBS: Durability of Building Sealants Durability test method - Determination of changes in adhesion, cohesion and appearance of elastic weatherproofing sealants for high movement façade joints after exposure to artificial weathering

Recommendations of RILEM TC 167-COM: 'Characterization of old mortars' COM-C1 Assessment of mix proportions in historical mortars using quantitative optical microscopy

Recommendations of RILEM TC 182-PEB 'Performance testing and evaluation of bituminous materials': Stiffness testing for bituminous materials

Recommendations of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete Uni-axial tension test for steel fibre reinforced concrete

Recommendations of TC 176-IDC: Internal damage of concrete due to frost action Slab test: Freeze/thaw resistance of concrete - Internal deterioration

Recommendations of TC 176-IDC: Internal damage of concrete due to frost action CIF-Test: Capillary suction, internal damage and freeze thaw test) - Reference method and alternative methods A and B

Recommendations of RILEM TC 127-MS: Tests for masonry materials and structures - MS.D3: Radar investigation of masonry - MS.D4: Measurement of local dynamic behaviour for masonry - MS.D8: Electrical conductivity investigation of masonry

Recommendations of RILEM TC 167-COM: Characterization of old mortars Quantitative analysis of historical mortars using optical microscopy

Recommendations of RILEM TC 154-EMC: Electrochemical techniques for measuring metallic corrosion Test methods for on site measurement of resistivity of concrete

Recommendations of TC 148-SSC: Strain Softening of Concrete - Test methods for compressive softening Test method for measurement of the strain-softening behaviour of concrete under uniaxial compression

Recommendations of RILEM TC 106-AAR: Alkali aggregate reaction A. TC 106-2 - Detection of potential alkali-reactivity of aggregates -The ultra-accelerated mortar-bar test B. TC 106-3 - Detection of potential alkali-reactivity of aggregates - Method for aggregate combinations using concrete prisms

Recommendations of TC 129-MHT: Test methods for mechanical properties of concrete at high temperatures, Part 9: Shrinkage for service and accident conditions

Recommendations of TC 129-MHT: Test methods for mechanical properties of concrete at high temperatures, Part 4: Tensile Strength for service and accident conditions

Recommendations of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Sigma-epsilon design method

Recommendations of RILEM TC 129-MHT: Test methods for mechanical properties of concrete at high temperatures. Part 8: Steady-state creep and creep recovery for service and accident conditions

Recommendations of RILEM TC 162-TDF: Test and design methods for steel fibre reinforced concrete

Recommendation of TC 116-PCD: Tests for gas permeability of concrete - Preconditioning of concrete test specimens for the measurement of gas permeability and capillary absorption of water - Measurement of the gas permeability of concrete by the RILEM - CEMBUREAU method - Determination of the capillary absorption of water of hardened concrete

TC 127-MS: TESTS FOR MASONRY MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES - Recommendations: MS.A3. Unidirectional freeze-thaw test for masonry units and wallettes - MS.B5. Determination of the damage to wallettes caused by acid rain

TC 107-CSP: CREEP AND SHRINKAGE PREDICTION MODELS: PRINCIPLES OF THEIR FORMATION - Recommendation: Measurement of time-dependent strains of concrete

TC 127-MS: TESTS FOR MASONRY MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Recommendations MS.A.6: Method for triaxial compression tests on mortar specimens taken from bed joints MS B.2: Measurement of shear strength of reinforcement in bed joints MS.B.3: Bond strength of

TC 129-MHT: TEST METHODS FOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE AT HIGH TEMPERATURES, Recommendations: Part 7: Transient Creep for service and accident conditions

Un test d'humidification-séchage pou les blocs de terre comprimée et stabilisée au ciment

MS-A.1 - Determination of the resistance of wallettes against sulphates and chlorides MS-A.2 - Uni-directional salt crystallization test for masonry units MS-A.4 - Determination of the durability of hardened mortar MS-B.1 - Freeze/thaw test of masonry panels

Test Methods for strength tests on blocks of compressed earth / Mode opératoire pour la réalisation d'essais de résistance sur blocs de terre comprimée

Recommendations of TC 119-TCE: Avoidance of thermal cracking in concrete at early ages

Recommendations of TC 127-MS: Tests for masonry materials

TC 148-SSC: Test methods for the strain-softening response of concrete - Strain softening of concret in uniaxial tension

TC 129-MHT: Test methods for mechanical properties of concrete at high temperatrues. Recommandations: Part 6 - Thermal strain

TC 107-GCS: Guidelines for the formulation of creep and shrinkage models - Addendum to Recommendations: Short form of creep and shrinkage predictin model B3 for structures of medium sensitivity

TC 117-FDC Recommendation - CDF test - test method for the freez thaw and deicing resistance of concrete - Tests with sodium chloride (CDF)

Recommendations of RILEM TC 127-MS: Tests for masonry materials and structures

RILEM draft recommendation for determination of fracture energy in forward shear along the grain in wood

Draft recommendations for test methods for the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete - slab test and cube test

Draft recommendation for test method for the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete. Tests with water (CF) or with sodium chloride solution (CDF)

Draft recommendation for repair strategies for concrete structures damaged by reinforcement corrosion

Draft recommendation for in situ concrete strength determination by combined non-destructive methods

Abstracts of recommendations on aerated lightweight concrete

TSB-1 Testing methods for timber structures

Draft Recommendation: Determination of the modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel strands / Determination du module d'elasticite des torons de precontrainte

TC FAB-67: FAB2 Test methods for determining the properties of fly ash for use in building materials

TC FAB-67: FAB1 Test methods for determining the properties of fly ash

General recommendations for methods of testing load-bearing masonry

39-BH Draft Recommendations on winter concreting. Abstract/Projet de Recommandations de 39-BH. Abrégé

The dynamic behaviour of concrete structures - Recommendations of good practice for methods of testing and design reported by 65-MDB Committee

CPC 11.3 Absorption d'eau par immersion sous vide / Absorption of water by immersion under vacuum