
08 March 2020
Viewed 210 times
The RILEM Spring Convention in Guimaraes, Portugal, will proceed as planned, with due precautions following the Government advisory.
For those who are traveling to Guimaraes, we would like to stress the following:
- Please check on locally-enforced quarantine measures and recommendations (such as in North Italy and China). At the registration desk, you will be asked to sign this declaration ”I, undersigned, declare that, to the best of my knowledge, have not felt any of the symptoms currently associated to COVID-19, am not infected or have not been in contact with any infected individual, or have been in an active infection area for the past 14 days. I also confirm that I was informed about all the above mentioned prescriptions, and I am acting in good will.”
- Please be familiar with the Portuguese Govt recommendations and travel advice by visiting for further info. At the moment, only travellers coming from China and other affected areas are advised to get medical help if they suffer any symptoms of being infected by the virus. Note that a updated English situation report is available at
- Please be aware of the basic protective measures against the new coronavirus as advised by the World Health Organization
- The conference organizers are setting up remote/virtual participation facilities. Zoom meetings will also be available for all RILEM standing committee meetings. Registered delegates should have already received by email the program of the event with the links to the streaming of each conference session. Also, an email regarding the precautions being taken have been sent by the organizers.
- Those who have cancelled their participation are requested to the conference secretariat.
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