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New Technical Committees: DOC and FBB

17 April 2020 Association
Viewed 408 times

RILEM is pleased to announce that two new technical committees (TCs) were approved during the Spring Convention in Guimaraes, Portugal last March:

TC DOC : Degradation of organic coating materials and its relation to concrete durability chaired by Prof. Takafumi NOGUCHI

TC FBB : Fingerprinting bituminous binders using physico-chemical analysis chaired by Dr. Bernhard HOFKO

RILEM values the contribution of everyone, no matter if you are a young PhD student, an experienced researcher or an industry practitioner. If you are interested in joining these new committees or any active RILEM TC, please send an email with your resume to assistant[@]

Further links:

Technical Report 2018 2019

List of Active Tcs by clusters

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