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Launch of CIS-RILEM Regional Group, the Moscow State University of Design and Technology, 22 April 2016

10 May 2016
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On 22 April 2016, the CIS-RILEM Regional Group was successfully launched in an inaugural meeting at the Moscow State University of Design and Technology (MSUDT), Russia. The inaugural Assembly was held in parallel with the Congress the International Academy of Engineering, which is an international partner of RILEM. Prof. Boris Gusev, elected President of the International Academy of Engineering, chaired the meeting, and gave a warm and friendly welcome to all participants.


The Chairman of the Mandate Commission Prof. Andrew K. Schreiber reported that at a General meeting of the International Academy of Engineering was presented a number of representatives, including acting as attorneys, from all national academies, branches and representative offices of IAЕ (Azerbaijan Engineering Academy, Engineering Academy of Armenia, Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Engineering Academy of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Russian Engineering Academy, Slovenian Chapter of IAE, the Central European Department of the IAE, the Mission of the IAE in the Republic of Belarus, etc.) required to constitute a quorum. There were full members and corresponding members of National academies of Sciences among the participants of the meeting, RILEM members; more than 85% of participants of the General meeting had the academic degree and academic title, 25% were laureates of international and national awards.


On behalf of RILEM, President Johan Vyncke made a presentation about RILEM and its membership benefits and opportunities. He also mentioned the work over many years of Russian scientists promoting RILEM in the former USSR.


As the representative of the local Organizing committee, RILEM Regional Convener Prof. Vyacheslav R. Falikman briefly summarized the Minutes of the Preparatory Meeting of RILEM Regional Group, held in Moscow in February 2016. He talked also about his understanding and expectation for RILEM and its CIS division to develop international cooperation in the field of construction.


Thereafter, a two-hour meeting of the RILEM President Johan Vyncke with RILEM members and University students was held, where he spoke in detail about the activity of all technical committees, DAC and EAC activity, activity of the Editorial Board of the journal "Materials and Structures" and the new Open Access Journal RILEM Technical Letters. In particular the different topics of the ongoing RILEM TC’s were reviewed in it was underlined that participation from the CIS countries is very valuable and would be much welcomed in ongoing and new TC’s.   The meeting was attended by representatives of several leading publishers in the field of construction.


The participants discussed a revised version of the Statutes of the CIS RILEM Regional Group, as well as activities that could be organized in coming years. All participants showed lots of interests in RILEM and its CIS division. There was also discussion about possible future collaboration between members of CIS RILEM Group, and an exchange of views on translation of RILEM publications and the possibility for a new journal. Main targets would clearly be to involve young people in the work of RIEM and CIS RILEM and to draft soon a detailed plan of action for CIS-RILEM.  


To conclude the meeting, Chief Editor of the Publishing house "Slavutich" Mr. Ruslan Pogrebnyak proposed to organize, in agreement with RILEM and Springer, the edition of some selected papers from M&S, and eventually a number of selected StARs in Russian as one of the main activity of CIS-RILEM Regional Group. He invited also to submit academic and scientific reports on latest progress of concrete and other building materials to many periodicals of “Slavutich”.


Finally, a group photograph of Heads of delegations of the countries participating in IAE was taken with the impressive signature statue of the outstanding figure of the former Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, a brilliant engineer Alexei Kosygin in the background.


In conclusion, there was a gala dinner for all participants on behalf of the IAE.


Participants expressed their good expectations in RILEM and its Regional Group, and looked forward to making their contributions for the development of materials and structures, and to sharing their own knowledge and experience with international colleagues, working in existing and coming TCs.


CIS-RILEM Regional Group Presidium (i.e. Elected Office Bearers for 2016-2019)


Prof. Valentina Stepanova, Scientific Research Center “Construction”, full member of IAE, Russia                      


Prof. Vladimir Bol’shakov, Dnepropetrovsk Academy of Construction, full member of IAE, Ukraine

Presidium Members

Presidium Member

Prof. Maratbek Zhutinnissov, Kazakh National Technical UniversityKazakhstan

Presidium Member

Prof. Sergei Minasyan, Expertise center for urban development programs, full member of IAE, Armenia

Presidium Member

Prof. Merab Lordkipanidze, «Science & Energetics» Union, Georgia, full member of IAE

Presidium Member

Prof. Arstanbek Asanov, Engineering Academy of Kirgizstan, Kirgizstan,

Presidium Member

Prof. Maxim Dzhavadov, Engineering Academy of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan 

Presidium Member

Prof. Vyacheslav V. Babitskiy, Belarusian National Technical University, Byelorussia


Ms. Olga Sedova, Head of the Charity Fund for support and development of engineering creativity "ENGINEERING IDEA”


Regional Secretary

Mr. Leonid Ivanov, full member of IAE, Chief Scientific Secretary of IAE

Adviser of General Secretary

Mr. Sergei Bronin, Executive director of Structural Concrete Association

Technical expert

Ms. Elena Koroleva, Technical director of “Construction” Division, REA


(Article above contributed by Prof. Vyacheslav R.Falikman, Russia)


Picture, from left to right: Prof. L. Dobshits, Prof. V. Latypov, Prof. V. Stepanova, Mr. J. Vyncke, Prof. V. Falikman, Mr. S. Bronin.

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