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Faculty position in Construction Materials and-or Building Physics in Technion, Israel

11 October 2013
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The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, invites applications for a tenure track position in Construction Materials.Candidates from a variety of relevant research specializations are invited to apply.Priority areas include: Construction Materials, Building Physics and Performance,and Sustainable Construction.


The mission of our division within the faculty is “To create, preserve, and disseminatecutting-edge knowledge in the broadest fields of structural engineering, constructionengineering and management, geotechnics, and building materials and performancethrough education, research, and service.”


The current faculty members in Construction Materials have a stellar track record ofpublication of books and journal papers, and the resources of the National BuildingResearch Institute and its laboratories are available to faculty members.


The position is open to all academic levels (assistant professor, associate professor andfull professor) with priority to young applicants. Applicants should hold a doctoral degreeand have demonstrated leadership and commitment to teaching and research in theacademic environment. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to thedevelopment of the research and teaching program including: conducting researchindependently and in cooperation with other researchers; raising research grants;supervising graduate students; and teaching postgraduate and undergraduate courses inher or his field of interest. Knowledge of the Hebrew language or at least some basics ofit is required, although the Faculty also teaches and offers degrees in English, through theTechnion International School of Engineering.


Applicants should send detailed curriculum vitae, a statement concerning research,teaching and professional interests, and a list of at least four referees to:

Professor Noah Galil, Dean, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion,Technion City, Haifa, 3200, Israel,

For further details, applicants can contact:

Prof. Amnon Katz, at

or Prof. Konstantin Kovler, at


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