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Call for applications for the Robert L'Hermite Medal 2014

07 October 2013
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Each year RILEM is evaluating proposed candidates for the prestigious Robert L’Hermite Medal. The medal is awarded to a young person, under the age of 40 years, who performed high level scientific research in the field of ‘Building Materials and Structures’, and published at least one original scientific article in an international scientific journal, preferably (but not exclusively) the RILEM journal ‘Materials and Structures’, in one of the official languages of RILEM (English or French).

If you are aware of any young researcher that would be eligible for the Medal, please encourage the potential candidate to apply. Applications should be submitted in electronic form to the RILEM
Secretariat General at, no later than December 31, 2013 at noon for Paris time.

The application package must include:

- detailed curriculum vitae of the author, including his / her birth date. It must be “professional”, with a summary of the recent research and its impact, a list of important publications, participation in RILEM and outreach activities.
- a portrait photo of the author (high definition photograph).
- a selection of the 10 best journal articles published in one of the official languages of RILEM (English or French), in pdf format.

Please click on the link below to have more details: SG-N24REV15

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