
Proceedings : Workshop “Lime-based materials for repairing historic structures”

Edited by: Ioanna Papayianni & Jan Válek
ISBN: 978-2-35158-240-4
e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-237-4
Pages: 326
Publication date: 2024

The 1st RILEM Workshop on “Lime-based materials for repairing Historic Structures
(HS) opened with three commemorative speeches as tributes to honor the three distinguished
ex-members of RILEM TCs on Restoration of HS. It was very emotional to
understand the enthusiasm and devotion they have worked throughout their life.
By organizing this workshop, we declare our decision to continue working on the
topics of repairing HS and inspire young researchers.
A number of 30 presentations + 5 posters made highlighting important aspects of
Workshop thematic topics. It was obvious that we need more adaptable to the nature
of lime-based mortars, regulative frames.
The message taken from presentations was that lime-based mortars and grouts
are effective and there are modern technological tools by which the improvement of
their performance can be achieved and assessed on site. Durability and Sustainability
issues concerning these “soft” mortars and grouts had also presented responding to
the great challenge of current century.
I hope the presented evolution in research and practice concerning repair of HS
with lime-based materials will be appreciated properly from young researchers and all
stakeholders involved in repair projects for the benefit of quality of restoration works
and longevity of monumental structures.
