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27 April 2021

Recently established RILEM Technical Committees


RILEM is proud to announce the establishment of 4 new TCs, approved at the last RILEM Spring Convention in April:

- TC FEE-Fume Emissions Evaluation for Asphalt Materials, Chaired by Johan BLOM

- TC PFC-Performance requirements and testing of fresh printable cement-based materials, Chaired by Nicolas ROUSSEL

- TC ADC-Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials and Structures, Chaired by Viktor MECHTCHERINE

- TC CNC (description available soon)- Carbon-based nanomaterials for multifunctional cementitious matrices, Chaired by Florence SANCHEZ

If you are a RILEM member and you want to join these TCs, please send an email to assistant[@] Not a RILEM member yet? Please, consider to apply to become a RILEM member!