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Welcoming words from the RILEM president, Nicolas Roussel, for the RILEM 75th anniversary

17 March 2022 Association
Viewed 351 times

In June 1947, 47 directors of some major research institutions in the field of construction materials and structures met in Paris. They represented 15 different nations and their goal was to renew international relations, which had been interrupted by the war.

That day, RILEM was born

75 years later, we are back to Paris

Obviously not the 47 initial founders from 15 different nations

But several hundred connected people, representing our more than 2700 members from 90 countries spread all over the globe.

The association goals have only slightly changed over 75 years

  • To favor and promote cooperation at an international scale along with general access to advanced knowledge
  • To stimulate new directions of research and promote excellence in construction
  • To promote sustainable and safe construction, improved performance and cost benefit for society.

We will see today through the various lectures that we will have the pleasure to listen to, that it has taken, it is taking and it is about to take many different shapes.

  • From fundamental academic research to practice-oriented testing recommendations in factories or at building sites,
  • From advanced numerical models for experts to pre-standardization.

We will have the pleasure to listen this morning to some our best RILEM experts in two technical sessions. This afternoon, we will have the opportunity to hear the personal vision of our association future from some our major RILEM officers.

I think it is specifically important today to keep in mind our history and the values that drove the foundation of the association.

It was created by people who had known two world wars. They wanted to push international scientific collaboration above war and international tensions. They believed that women and men of science were able to work together no matter their political leaders and their agendas.

Today, 75 years later, with a war raging at the borders of Europe itself, one can wonder if our faith in international collaboration will be as strong as the one of the RILEM founders.

Last week, the RILEM presidency and the chairs of the standing committees mailed each of our Ukrainian members to express our hope for a quick and peaceful solution to be found and to offer our support.

I personally think that, more than ever, we must remember that, no matter if you live under a democracy or an autocracy, there exists a major difference between the people who exert the control over one country and the people who live, work and do science in this country. It is specifically in this kind of times that we need to keep on promoting international collaboration in science despite our political leaders.

Being French, I am, by birth, pessimistic and cynical. I however had the opportunity since I joined RILEM to work with my very good friend and colleague, Prof. Ravindra Gettu. His never-ending optimism is contagious and here is my perception today.

  • We have now several hundred people connected from all around the planet.
  • Since the beginning of this week, all RILEM officers have been working together. They all have different cultural background, different national histories. They even watch and receive very different news on TV.
  • But there was no tension. People worked and collaborated together as usual to run the association and prepare its future.

I think that this is 75 years of this spirit that we are celebrating today.

Because I am the first one to speak, I have the pleasure and honor of being the first today to wish a happy anniversary to the RILEM association.

And, finally, I wish you all a pleasant and interesting day.

Paris, 17th of March 2022

Love it

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