
Videos of the 1st RILEM Spring Convention available on YouTube
23 April 2018
Viewed 1068 times
If you missed the 1st RILEM Spring Convention, here is your chance to watch the presentations made in Barcelona:
- Opening presentation
- Sergio Cavalaro, Gustavo Colonnetti Medalist 2018
- Didier Snoeck, Gustavo Colonnetti Medalist 2018
- A few moments with the American Concrete Institute by Doug Hooton
- In Honour of Prof. Antonio Aguado, UPC
- Evaluation of external sulphate attack on concrete by Esperanza Menendez Mendez
- Characteristics and durability of conductive cement-based multifunctional materials by Pedro Garcés
- Fire resistance of polymer-modified cement mortar for RC structures by Takafumi Noguchi
- Biological Concrete by Ignacio Segura
- Concrete with limestone calcined clay cement and other admixtures by Ravindra Gettu
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