
Videos from the 75th RILEM Annual Week
01 December 2021
Viewed 124 times
If you missed the 75th RILEM Annual Week & International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials and Structures in September 2021, you can view some of the presentations on our YouTube channel.
Don't miss the TC presentations, TC Chairs present the outputs of their TCs:
- TC 270-CIM “Benchmarking Chloride Ingress Models on Real-life Case Studies: Theory and Practice”, Eddie KOENDERS
- TC 271-ASC: “Accelerated laboratory test for the assessment of the durability of materials with respect to salt crystallization”, Barbara LUBELLI
- TC 272-PIM “Phase and Interphase behaviour of bituminous material”, Emmanuel CHAILLEUX
- TC 274-TCE "Testing and characterisation of earth-based building materials and elements", Antonin FABBRI
- TC 276-DFC "Digital fabrication with cement-based materials", Nicolas ROUSSEL
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