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Student AWARDS at the 75th RILEM Annual Week

14 September 2021 Association
Viewed 309 times



2021 RILEM Best student poster award

Also this year RILEM has granted the RILEM best student poster award at the 75th RILEM Annual Week. The winner is Dr Michelle Tiong, College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, China. Michelle presented a poster titled "Acceleration Carbonation of Dry-mix Pressed Cement Blocks: A Coupling Effect of Water-to-Cement and Moulding Pressure", co-authored by Xuemiao Li and Tung-Chai Ling. Michelle will recieve a certificate and a 500 EURO prize issued by RILEM. Congratulations Michelle!

Six other students attending the RILEM PhD courses held before the 75th Annual Week received a recorgnition for the quality of their posters. You can see the full list of winners here. Congratulations to these students!


2021 RILEM PhD grant

This year, RILEM awarded three grants to PhD students less than 35 and coming from the countries where discounted RILEM fees apply. The awardees were:

Ms. Anusha Basavaraj, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India

Ms. Dyana Joseline, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India

Mr Lautaro Santillan, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, La Plata, Argentina.

Due to Covid restrictions, Anusha and Dyana could not travel to Mexico to attend the 75th RILEM Annual Week, but they will use the grant to travel to the next onsite RILEM event. Lautaro, instead, managed to attend the conference in person.

The conference was a great success with around 230 presentations authored by 770 scientists from 31 countries! Stay tuned as a detailed report will soon be available on our website


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