
RSCC2020 is LIVE!!!!
11 March 2020
Viewed 134 times
On behalf of the RSCC2020 organizing commitee
Dear participants,
Following our previous instructions, we would like to inform you that our venue is now at the Hotel de Guimaraes (GPS 41.436015, -8.297076) – Meeting Room Santa Maria. The meeting room in Hotel de Guimaraes is now set to allow the presentations, either in person or remotely.
General indications/notes:
- As we have postponed the pitch session of Tuesday (10th March), the first plenary session on Thursday morning will not accommodate plenary pitch presentations anymore. Therefore, it will be replaced by the plenary lectures of Friday morning;
- RILEM Dinner and the Convention Banquet will now be merged into a single event, the RILEM and Convention Dinner. This will take place on Wednesday evening, in Hotel de Guimaraes at 20:00;
- Our help desk will continue working in Hotel de Guimaraes, supporting the registration, queries and other necessary information for the participants (including for the ones who were unable to register on Tuesday);
- The implemented procedures are aimed at reducing the gathering of people to the minimum, as well as to allow the participation of anyone who has internet connection, independent or irrespective of their location.
The procedure/options to adopt for the presentations in the thematic sessions are the following:
- The links to the sessions may be found in the final programme shared last Sunday (also enclosed in the current email). These links remain unchanged;
- Authors are invited to come to the Hotel de Guimaraes and attend only their session if possible, according to the initially planned schedule. Each author will be able to do their presentation live at Hotel de Guimaraes which will be streamed online;
- Authors who cannot attend their sessions can do their presentations remotely. We will be using the video-conference software “Zoom” (link for tutorial: for the purpose. In case you are interested in doing your presentation remotely please inform us, so we can schedule a trial in advance, if necessary;
- Presentations can be rescheduled; however, it may be difficult to satisfy all requests.
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