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RILEM Technical Letters accepted for inclusion in Scopus

01 April 2020 Association
Viewed 716 times

RILEM is proud to announce that RILEM Technical Letters (RILEM Tech Lett) has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus and will be added to the database shortly. The acceptance to this prestigious bibliographic database follows a high-quality evaluation process by an independent board of experts (Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board).

The RILEM Technical Letters Journal was launched in March 2016. We are proud of such great success by such a “young” Journal! The Scopus indexing is significant confirmation of its quality.

RILEM would like to thank all the people who have actively worked on the creation and development of the journal, in particular the founding Editor-in-Chief, Nicolas Roussel, the founding Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Pietro Lura, and the Managing Editor since 2016, Mateusz Wyrzykowski. A big THANK YOU also goes to the new team headed by the Editor-in-Chief, Alexandra Bertron, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief, John Provis, and to all the associate editors: Ueli Angst, Susan Bernal Lopez, Shashank Bishnoi, Emmanuel Chailleux, Robert Flatt, Guillaume Habert, Kenichiro Nakarai, Enrico Sassoni, Wolfram Schmidt and Ruben Snellings.

RILEM Technical Letters journal is published as a Diamond Open Access journal available online free of charge. The articles are submitted on invitation by the Editorial Board. If you are interested in submitting your article, please send a short note with proposed title, abstract and the five most recent references dealing with the topic, by e-mail, to the Editor-in-Chief. Please note that the article publication fees are sponsored by RILEM. This means that if at least one of the authors is a RILEM member, the article would be both free to access by readers from all round the world and free to publish for its authors.

RILEM Technical Letters is a sister journal of RILEM’s flagship, the 50-year old Materials & Structures journal, published by Springer/Nature. For more information about the two journals and RILEM, please visit

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