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RILEM Spring Convention and SMSS 2019: a Report (or What did you miss?)

04 April 2019 Association
Viewed 740 times

Rovinj, Croatia, 18 – 22 March 2019

RIM Daniela Ciancio


The 2019 RILEM Spring Convention kicked off on Monday morning, 18 March. It went through two intense working days, full of TC meetings (13 to be exact) and RILEM standing committee summits (DAC, TAC and Bureau). Some TC were officially closed and others officially started, but you will see more about this in the 2019 Annual Technical Report which is now a focus of attention and which is  to be presented at the 73rd RILEM Annual Week in Nanjing (China) in August.

Around 450 participants from 50 countries attended the Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS) conference which started on Tuesday evening, 19 March, with the welcome reception in the town of Rovinj. The conference lasted for 3 days (Wed 20-Fri 22) and it comprised the Colonnetti Award ceremony, the PhD symposium, 8 Plenary Sessions and 7 parallel conference sessions.

Some (but not all!) highlights of the conference were the presence of Mrs Margherita Colonnetti, daughter of the first RILEM President, the flawless organization of this event and the selected papers for publication in the open access RILEM Technical Letters. A more detailed report of this event is available here.

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