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RILEM-EDA Partnership

22 October 2020 Association
Viewed 253 times

RILEM is delighted to announce the recent international partnership agreement signed with the European Demolition Association. EDA is the leading platform for national demolition associations, demolition contractors and suppliers.

Currently EDA has several active working groups in Carriers, Demolition and Recycling Attachments, Quick Couplings, High Reach, Statistics, National Associations and Circular Economy. Of all of them, we would like to bring to your attention the WG on Circular Economy. The goal of this working group is to produce a double deliverable: a short guide about how to make happen the circular economy in the construction sector, and a dedicated website with much more information about the topic, case stories and practical information. This group will have 3 more meetings to put together more information for the guide (see attached the table of contents) on the following dates:

- 29 October, 2020

- 26 November 2020

- 14 January 2021

The meetings are held by video conference on Thursday morning, from 09:00 to 10:00 h (Brussels time, CET). RILEM members that would like to join this working group should contact EDA at


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