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Registration is now open for the 74th RILEM week and 40th Cement and Concrete Science Conference

18 August 2020 Association
Viewed 386 times

Registration for the 74th RILEM Annual Week and 40th Cement and Concrete Science Conference, to be held virtually from 31st August - 4th September, is now open. Registration closes on the 21st August - register now so as not to miss out!

Full details regarding registration, including available discounted rates for members of IoM3, RILEM, ICT and students, are available on the conference website here.

The organizing committee is excited to welcome you to this virtual event, which will be hosted using a combination of Zooms webinar platform for oral presentations, and Mozilla's Hubs social VR platform for interactive poster sessions. 

Zooms webinar platform allows the sessions chairs and moderator to ensure the presenting authors are able to present without interruption, but are able to respond to questions from the audience afterwards.    

Please see the attached flyer for further information regarding the full range of topics covered. 

In order for submitted abstracts to be included in the conference proceedings, presenting authors are required to have registered by the 21st August.

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