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PhD research position available @ISISE-UC

20 June 2019 Association
Viewed 671 times

ISISE is announcing a research position at the University of Coimbra. Applicants should have a MSc in Civil Engineering, Steel Construction, Mechanical Engineering, or similar fields of science. The successful applicant will be involved in one of our ongoing research projectsl. The candidates should have vocational profiles in structural engineering (steel, timber, composite, glass, fire safety, earthquake engineering, optimization and artificial intelligence and offshore structures), welding, building physics (acoustics & dynamics, energy efficiency and lifetime engineering) or geotechnics. The selection process will involve an interview for the highest ranked candidates. It is emphasized that this announcement is not a formal grant offer. Successfull applicants will receive a net monthly grant of 987 €, according to the rules of the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT).

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