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Open Research positions "Concrete Technology" (PhD and Postdoc) at Ghent University

06 June 2018 Association
Viewed 3652 times

The Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research, Ghent University, Belgium (, is a leading academic research institute in the field of concrete technology and concrete structures.

Within the research group “Concrete Technology”, headed by Prof. Geert De Schutter, full professor and ERC Advanced Grant Holder (, several research positions are vacant, both at PhD level and Postdoc level.

Interested in a research position?

You need to have:

  • For a PhD position: a MSc degree in Engineering (or equivalent level), obtained from a high level university, with excellent records
  • For a postdoc position: a PhD degree in Engineering (or equivalent level), obtained from a high level university, and of which the high quality can be reflected by high-level journal papers in international peer-reviewed journals cited in web of Science.
  • Background in Rheology, (fresh) cementitious materials, hydration of cementitious materials
  • Strong motivation, and excellent personal competences and skills to perform high-level scientific research in an international and multicultural team
  • At least one strong reference letter by a well-respected scholar in the field of concrete technology

We can offer:

  • Interesting research project in the area of casting and processing of fresh concrete, rheology of fresh cementitious materials, 3D-printing of concrete
  • A top-class inspiring international research environment with excellent research facilities at a high level university, in a worldwide leading group in the field of concrete technology and concrete structures
  • For PhD: PhD-scholarships*, starting at the end of 2018 or in 2019 (Yearly PhD-scholarships, with yearly evaluation, up to a maximum of 4 years)
  • For Postdoc: Postdoctoral scholarships*, starting at the end of 2018 or in 2019 (Yearly Postdoctoral scholarship, with yearly evaluation, up to a maximum of 3 years)
  • Working and living in the attractive city of Ghent, with a very active and lively research and student community

*Candidates should meet some administrative requirements in order to be eligible to receive a scholarship. For those candidates passing the first quality screening, these requirements will be further checked in a later stage.

How to apply?

Prepare an application file, written in English, in pdf format, giving following information:

  • A short CV with a summary of your career (personal information, nationality, date of birth, gender, picture, contact details, education, diploma, work experience, publications, awards, patents, reference persons …)
  • A motivation letter, written in English
  • At least one strong support letter by a well-respected scholar in the field of concrete technology
  • A copy of relevant diplomas
  • Transcript of study records
  • For PhD candidates: English abstract of your master thesis
  • For Postdoc candidates: English abstract of your doctoral thesis, and the pdf of at least two peer reviewed papers in journals cited in Web of Science

Send your file by email to Prof. Geert De Schutter, Clearly mention whether you apply for a PhD or Postdoc scholarship. Applications will be evaluated on a continuous basis.

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