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Open Call for materials for validation testing of new R3 Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCM) reactivity test protocols by RILEM TC 267-TRM

04 February 2019 Association
Viewed 972 times

Based on extensive internal testing and optimization work RILEM TC 267-TRM concluded that two new methods are most promising to measure the chemical reactivity of SCMs, i.e. the R3 heat release and the R3 bound water methods.
In the final third phase, these two methods will be applied to a broad range of new and conventional SCMs for further validation.

If you would like to submit your material for testing please register before the 15th of March 2019 at

All applications will be screened and a selection of 50-100 materials will be made by the RILEM TC 267-TRM. For the selected materials, the following will be requested:

      *   50 kg of dry, ground, ready to use homogenized SCM to be sent to EPFL (Switzerland) before the end of May 2019

What we offer:

      *   SCM characterization (PSD, XRF, XRD)
      *   Testing of reactivity by mortar strength in combination with benchmark cement
      *   Reactivity by R3 testing
      *   Report comparing the test results with benchmark SCMs (coal combustion fly ashes, blast furnace slags, natural pozzolans, calcined clays)

Contribution to costs:

      *   500 euros for participation (VAT not included) + shipping cost

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