
New RILEM Recommendations
10 November 2021
Viewed 1618 times
A new Topical Collection has been published in Materials and Structures gathering the recommendations produced by the RILEM Technical Committee 258-AAA on Avoiding Alkali Aggregate Reactions in Concrete – Performance Based Concept. It consists of the following 6 recommendations:
- RILEM AAR-0 outline guide to the use of RILEM methods in the assessment of the alkali-reactivity potential of concrete
- RILEM AAR-8: determination of potential releasable alkalis by aggregates in concrete
- RILEM AAR-10: determination of binder combinations for non-reactive mix design using concrete prisms–38 °C test method
- RILEM AAR-11: determination of binder combinations for non-reactive mix design or the resistance to alkali-silica reaction of concrete mixes using concrete prisms − 60 °C test method
- RILEM AAR-12: determination of binder combinations for non-reactive mix design or the resistance to alkali-silica reaction of concrete mixes using concrete prisms − 60 °C test method with alkali supply
- RILEM AAR-13: application of alkali-wrapping for concrete prism testing to assess the expansion potential of alkali-silica reaction
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