
NEW RILEM-ACRP Partnership
20 October 2020
Viewed 251 times
We are thrilled to announce the new partnership with the European Association for Construction Repair, Reinforcement and Protection. ACRP is a non-profit association, founded in 2020. The mission of ACRP is to promote the maintenance of the constructions and its applications in Europe, towards the highest standards of safety professional integrity and quality of service. To reach its goals, ARCP organises Working Groups (WG). Three new WGs are ready to start:
1) WG Bridge
- Guide about Bridge (types, materials, pathologies, maintenance)
- Live webinars
- On-line sessions
2) WG Maritime Structures
- Guide about maritime structures
- live webinars
- On-line sessions
3) WG Technologies of the industry
- Guide about the technologies related to repair, reinforcement and protection
- Live webinars
- On-line sessions
The participation in these groups is open to companies and organizations that have a relationship with the maintenance activity. Further information can be found in the documents in attachment.
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