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30 September 2020 Association
Viewed 2950 times

RILEM Educational Activities Committee is pleased to announce the launch of a new monthly webinar series, RILEM Online Conferences & Transfer of Knowledge (ROC&TOK), designed to give information about how to communicate and teach subjects, related to the activities of RILEM and its technical committees.

The webinars will take place online on the first Thursday of each month, except for January and August, at 2 pm UTC time (GMT+0).

The aim is to bring new, untaught or updated research into the classroom as well as new pedagogy on how to teach these topics. The webinars will be a refined and thoughtful approach to what should be taught and how it should be taught. Lecturers will consolidate and summarize research that should be conveyed to undergrad and grad students. Webinars will provide background reading and other resources.

The webinars will target professors and senior PhDs and be delivered by experts. However, they will be open to all interested, including students and those working in industry.

Each webinar is scheduled with a 30-min presentation followed by a 30-min Q&A session.

Interested people will have to register following this link. The webinars are free, i.e. no registration fees are required. The used platform will be Zoom. After the registration is submitted, a link will be sent to the supplied contact email. Participants can apply to become panellists of a webinar by sending a short statement in support of their application to assistant[@] A panellist will have the chance to pose questions directly and participate in the discussion rather than just through the Q&A.

The opening webinar, on Thursday 5 November 2020, is hosted by Prof. Karen Scrivener, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. The title of this webinar is “Cement and CO2, the reality”. Follow this link to register! Registration for this first webinar closes on 4 November at mid-day UCT.

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