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Meet the experts behind the new recommending commitee!

04 April 2023 Association
Viewed 279 times

The General Council of RILEM will elect the next Vice-President during the 78th RILEM Annual Week, which will be held in Toulouse, France, in September 2024.


According to our statutes, candidates for Vice-President are proposed to the Bureau by a Recommending Committee of 4 RILEM members (including the Immediate Past President), which is constituted especially for this purpose. So, other than Dr Ravindra GETTU, who is an ex-officio member of this Recommending Committee, 3 RILEM members needed to be nominated.


All RILEM subscribing members were invited to propose names for possible members of the Recommending Committee before the 31st of December 2022. From the list of candidates, the 3 members of the Recommending Committee were elected following an online vote at the beginning of the year 2023.  


We are glad to inform you that those 3 elected members are:

Susan BERNAL LOPEZ, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Ueli ANGST, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Kamal KHAYAT, Missouri University of Science and Technology, United States.

Based on the suggestions of the above Recommending Committee, Bureau members will endorse the most-suitable candidate for the position of Vice-President to the General Council. 



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