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JCSS Continuing Education & Advanced School - Structural Reliability and JCSS Probabilistic Model Code

12 May 2015
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31.08.2015 to 05.09.2015, Ghent University, Belgium


The JCSS (Joint Committee on Structural Safety) is a committee in the field of Structural related Risk and Reliability, acting on behalf of the Liaison Committee of the following five international professional associations:

  • CIB International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction
  • ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork
  • fib International Federation for Structural Concrete
  • IABSE International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
  • RILEM Reunion internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Materiaux

The goals of the JCSS are:

  • To improve the general knowledge and understanding within the fields of safety, risk, reliability and quality assurance, for all types of civil engineering and building structures, on the basis of soundscientific principles and with an open eye for the applications in practice.
  • To take care that inter-associational pre-normative research in the field of Risk and Reliability is performed in an effective and adequate way


Increased interest in risk and reliability

Methods of reliability, risk and safety assessment are increasingly gaining importance as decision support tools in various fields of engineering. In order to utilize these methods and to exploit theirpotential in industrial applications, an understanding of the fundamental principles is necessary. The Advanced School aims at educating engineers and researchers to work more efficiently in supportingdecision makers and clients for a sustainable societal development.

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