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Invited speakers at the 75th RILEM Annual Week

28 March 2021 Association
Viewed 501 times

The key-note and plenary speakers at the 75th RILEM Annual Week and International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials and Structures, in September 2021 in Merida, Mexico, have been recently announced! Check here the details of these internationally recognised experts and do not miss the opportunity to listen to their talks. Registration to the event is now open!


Prof. Klaartje de Weerdt-01 Dr Emilio Martínez-Pañeda-01 Dr. Prannoy Suraneni-01 1_Mesa de trabajo 1


fotos cv rilem-03 fotos cv rilem-11 fotos cv rilem-09 fotos cv rilem-08


fotos cv rilem-07 Prof. LAUREN YOLANDA GÓMEZ ZAMORANO-01


   fotos cv rilem-10 fotos cv rilem-06


fotos cv rilem-05 fotos cv rilem-04 Prof. Takafumi Noguchi-01 Prof. Kamal H. Khayat-01


Professor Sergio Alcocer-01 Prof. Enrico Sassoni_Mesa de trabajo 1

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