In memoriam Prof. Wolfgang Brameshuber 02/08/1956 - 16/09/2016
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing away of our colleague and friend Prof. Wolfgang Brameshuber last Friday, 16th September.
RILEM offers sincere condolences to the family of Prof. Brameshuber, and to his staff and colleagues at RWTH Aachen University.
Many of us still have the pleasant remembrance of being together with Wolfgang last month when we met in Copenhagen for the RILEM Annual Week. As usual, Wolfgang was full of energy, humour and enthusiasm. He was also looking forward to getting ready for his holidays. Copenhagen was the last occasion that Wolfgang served the association as RILEM Bureau member, since his term of office was coming to an end, but we had made new plans to engage him in starting the important activity of preparing a History Book for celebrating the 75th RILEM anniversary in 2021. A further RILEM activity in collaboration with Wolfgang that was planned in Copenhagen was that we would meet in Detroit in 2017, and Wolfgang would be involved in presenting the RILEM TC 250-CSM at the ACI 549 meeting in the ACI Convention. Wolfgang would also have continued his mandate as RILEM National Convenor for many things planned to do and enjoy together with his help. We will miss Wolfgang tremendously.....
Prof. Wolfgang Brameshuber was Director of the Institute of Building Materials Research (ibac) and teaching professor in the Chair of Building Materials at the RWTH Aachen University. He had held various positions in RILEM, as a Bureau and TAC member, as well as being the Chair of different Technical Committees.
We have lost an expert in our field, a very dedicated RILEM member, and a good friend who was always prepared to help and give an honest input.
It is a sad day for our RILEM community.
Our condolences in the name of all RILEM members.
The funeral service will be held on Friday 14 October 2016 at 13.00 in the Chapel of the cemetery Hüls (Hall 1) in Aachen, Wilmersdorferstraße 50. Instead of wreaths and flowers the family asks for a donation in support of Bethel (IBAN: DE05 0161 0040 77, Password: Wolfgang Brameshuber). To send condolences, please contact the funeral home Michael Classen, Horbacher Street 59, 52072 Aachen (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Brameshuber).
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