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CIC2014_conference update!

28 July 2014
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Nearly 200 with interest in concrete innovation, from 34 nations, attended the first Concrete Innovation Conference, CIC2014, in Oslo 11-13 June. The conference was initiated by COIN – Concrete Innovation Center, and organized by the Norwegian Concrete Association. There were nearly 130 papers presented, including 7 excellent keynote speakers. CIC2014 covered four themes; A. "Environmentally friendly concrete structures", B. Efficient construction", C. "Structural design and performance" and D. "Prolongation of service life". 

The conference included an innovation contest: 11 papers were nominated and 4 papers were awarded, one in each of the mentioned themes, in a spectacular ceremony at the conference banquet. The winners are:

Theme A: "Belite calcium sulfoaluminate ternesite (BCT)"  – a new environmentally friendly binder, by HeidelbergCement Technology Center in Germany; Mohsen Ben Haha, Frank Bullerjahn, Maciej Zajac, og Dirk Schmitt.

Theme B: "Smart dynamic casting" – robotized casting of complex concrete elements, by ETH Zürich; Ena Lloret Kristensen, Linus Mettler, Amir Reza Shahab, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler og Robert J Flatt

Theme C: "ZÜBLIN Earthquake Column" – a novel solution to design earthquake resistant columns, by Dipl. Ing. Adam Varga, Dr. -Ing. Hubert Bachmann from Ed. Züblin AG, Germany

Theme D. " Climbing robot for corrosion inspection and monitoring" – a climbing robot for condition control, by ETH Zürich; Bernhard Elsener, Alexis Leibbrandt, Oliver Glauser, Ueli Angst, Robert J. Flatt Gilles Caprari og Roland Y. Siegwart.



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