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Apply to get the support of RILEM for your event!

12 December 2023 Association
Viewed 617 times


These are two testimonies of the promotion of an event through the RILEM communication channels:


The RILEM co-sponsorship of the event Metamaterials for Heat Flux Manipulation and Energy Efficiency of Buildings, not only was a scientific endorsement of the quality of the event, but it also allowed the event to gain more visibility. The number of the registered participants jumped more than doubled after the event was advertised through the Social Media channels and newsletter of RILEM.” Dr Antonio Caggiano, University of Genova, Italy


Most of the registrations for the RILEM EAC course Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials comes via the RILEM newsletter/Social Media Channels/mailings. This makes a big difference. The course is a great success every year!Prof. Dr ir E.A.B. Koenders, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany


RILEM advertises through its communication channels - newsletter BITS&BOBS, RILEM News, LinkedIn, X, and Facebook – all the events listed in the RILEM calendar! These are:

  • RILEM events: RILEM conferences or workshops proposed by one of the RILEM Technical Committees
  • Co-sponsored events: events which obtained the RILEM co-sponsorship from TAC; application form available here
  • Co-sponsored courses: courses which obtained the RILEM co-sponsorship from EAC; application form available here

The RILEM co-sponsorship is always confined to moral cover; no financial support is included. The proposed events/courses should fit into RILEM scientific fields of activity.

All these events receive many and different kinds of support, from the award to the best paper to the guidance and assistance with the publication of the proceedings, to mention a few.

To get started, contact the RILEM Secretariat General for more information and assistance. With RILEM's support, your scientific event is sure to be a success.

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