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75th RILEM Anniversary Booklet

30 August 2021 Association
Viewed 785 times

RILEM tunrs 75 this year! To celebrate this milestone, a special History Booklet has been prepared that highlights the major changes of the association in the last two decades. The RILEM 75th Anniversary book puts a special emphasis on the members’ personal reflections and anecdotes. It also presents some interesting conclusions about the importance, in the future of RILEM, of digitalization processes, automation, impact on human health, carbon-neutral construction and circular economy.

On this link, you can find this document and the previous anniversary booklets edited for the 30th and 50th RILEM Anniversaries. From the same page, you can also download the appendix containing all the contributions sent by the RILEM members to wish RILEM "Happy 75th Anniversary!".

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