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2023 RILEM Honorary members and Fellows

18 September 2023 Association
Viewed 516 times



Congratulations to the 2023 RILEM Honorary Members and RILEM Fellows!!!



RILEM Honorary Member

Prof. Luis Juliàn Lima, Posthumous, UNNOBA, Argentina

RILEM member since 2007, TAC expert (2008-2013), Bureau member (2009-2013), RILEM Fellow in 2015



RILEM Honorary Member

Prof. Dr. Ir. Geert De Schutter, Ghent University, Belgium


RILEM member since 1999, Member of Bureau (2004-2008), DAC Chair (2015-2019), RILEM Fellow in 2015, Chair of TC 205-DSC and ACP, Deputy Chair of TC 228-MPS, 285-TMS and 305-PCC, member of several TCs



RILEM Fellow

Prof. Marco Di Prisco, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

RILEM member since 2007, DAC expert in 2019, Chair of TC 288-IEC, member of several TCs



RILEM Fellow

Dr Dimitri Feys, Missouri University of Science and Technology, United States


RILEM member since 2004, DAC Regional Convener, Chair of TC 305-PCC, Deputy Chair of TC 266-MRP, member of several TCs



RILEM Fellow

Prof. Kefei Li, Tsinghua University, China


RILEM member since 2008, TAC Expert (2011–2013), TAC Convener (2013-2016), DAC Regional Convener (2018-2022), Associate Editor of Materials and Structures, Chair of TC 289-DCM, member of several TCs



RILEM Fellow

Prof. José Fernando Martirena Hernandez, Universidad Central de las Villas, Cuba

RILEM member since 2014, Member of EAC (2023-present), Chair of TC 282-CCL, member of several TCs



RILEM Fellow

Prof. Giovanni Plizzari, University of Brescia, Italy

RILEM member since 2004, TAC expert (2013-2018), TAC convener (2018-2020), Deputy Editor in Chief of Materials and Structures, member of several TCs



RILEM Fellow

Prof. Michael P. Wistuba, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany


RILEM member since 2010, TAC Expert (2016-2018), TAC Convener (2018-2020), member of several TCs

Love it

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