
2019 Robert L'Hermite Medalist
We are pleased to announce the 2019 Robert L'Hermite medalist: Dr. Augusto Cannone Falchetto, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany.
Augusto Cannone Falchetto’s research focusses on infrastructure materials and pavement engineering and combines experimental research, advanced analysis and modelling. His interests cover a range of topics, including materials performance, mix optimization, structural behaviour of asphalt pavements, fatigue, healing, and shear in asphalt materials, hot and cold recycling, micromechanical and rheological modelling and Digital Image Processing. Throughout his career, Professor Cannone Falchetto has made outstanding contributions to the field, which is evident in his widely published and cited work. As an active RILEM member he has been involved in several Technical Committees and contributed to State-of-the-Art Reports, technical papers and recommendations. Based on sound application of scientific principles, his research has developed strong practical relevance and attracted recognition through numerous awards and invited presentations. Augusto is our second Robert L’Hermite Medalist from the RILEM asphalt community.
Congratulations to Augusto!!
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