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2021 Robert L'Hermite Medalist

17 February 2021 Association
Viewed 1489 times

We are pleased to announce the 2021 Robert L'Hermite medalist: Prof. Klaartje de Weerdt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Professor Klaartje de Weerdt has been awarded the 2021 RILEM Robert L’Hermite Medal. Professor de Weerdt holds a Chair in the Department of Structural Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), in Trondheim, Norway. The Robert L’Hermite medal is granted to recognise her outstanding and influential research in concrete durability, with a particular focus on understanding the mechanisms of attack on reinforced concrete by chloride and carbonation, designing concrete to resist deleterious alkali-silica reactions, and the use of blended cements to produce more sustainable, highly durable concrete. Her many contributions to these research topics show proof of leadership and active participation in RILEM Technical Committees, she is Deputy Chair of RILEM TC ASR and has been Work Package leader in RILEM TC 258-AAA.  She leads a prominent and successful research team at NTNU. She holds a Master degree in Civil Engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium, and a PhD from NTNU, and has also worked as a researcher at SINTEF in Trondheim prior to taking on her academic appointment. Her research is supported by an extensive portfolio of EU, national, and industry sponsorship, and she has made important and highly cited contributions to the scientific literature in the areas of cement hydration and concrete durability.

Congratulations to Klaartje on behalf of the jury members, Prof. Nele DE BELIE, TAC Chair and Chair of the Medal Jury, Prof. John PROVIS, Materials & Structures Editor in Chief, Dr Anya VOLLPRACHT and Dr Eshan DAVE, TAC members. 

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