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2021 RILEM Fellows

07 September 2021 Association
Viewed 760 times

Last week, during the General Council meeting of the 75th RILEM Annual Week, Prof Gettu announced the 2021 RILEM Follows.

Created in 1993 by the General Council, the honorary title of RILEM Fellow is bestowed upon RILEM Senior Members who have made exceptional contributions to RILEM in their capacities as research scientist, engineer, technical leader or educator.

Please join us to congratulate:

Prof. Barzin MOBASHER, Arizona State University, USA, RILEM Member since 2003.

Prof. Mobashes has been: Associate Editor of MAAS, TAC convener in 2019, TAC expert from 2011 to 2013, TC Chair of 292-MCC and member of several TCs.

Prof. Hans D. BEUSHAUSEN, University of Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA, RILEM Member since 2002

Prof. Beushausen has been: DAC Chair since 2019, DAC Regional Convener (sub-Saharan Africa) from 2013 to 2018, TC Chair of 230-PSC and Member of several TCs.

 Prof. Alexandra BERTRON, INSA Toulouse, FRANCE, RILEM Member since 2005

Prof Bertron has been: RTL Editor in Chief, Associate Editor of MAAS, Associate Editors of RTL from 2017 to 2019, TAC convener from 2016 to 2021, TAC expert from 2015 to 2016, Robert L’Hermite Medallist in 2014 and TC Chair of 253-MCI.

Prof. John PROVIS, University of Sheffield, UK, RILEM Member since 2007

Prof. Provis has been: MAAS Editor in Chief, 2013 Robert L'Hermite Medallist, recipeint of the 2013 MAAS Best Reviewer Award, Honorary President in 2020, Associate Editor of RTL from  2017 to 2019, TAC expert from 2016 to 2021, TC Chair of 247-DTA and Deputy Chair of 244-AAM.

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