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2019 Gustavo Colonnetti medalists

05 March 2019 Association
Viewed 1002 times

We are pleased to announce the 2019 Gustavo Colonnetti medalists:

  • Dr. Bahman Ghiassi, University of Nottingham, UK

Bahman Ghiassi is a civil engineer with strong competences both in numerical methods and in experimental approaches. His research interests cover a vast range of topics, including durability and mechanics of composite materials (masonry, concrete, FRPs, FRCM), performance evaluation and strengthening of masonry and historical constructions, multi-scale computational modeling and experimental testing, NDT and full-field measurement techniques.

Dr. Ghiassi is an active RILEM member who has contributed to multiple Technical Committees on masonry and concrete (RILEM TC 270-CIM, RILEM TC 220-CSM, RILEM TC 223-MSC). He is an active reviewer for Materials and Structures. Dr. Ghiassi has obtained several recognitions for his work, including three prestigious fellowship grants. He is also serving in the editorial board of two international journals.

  • Dr. Claire White, University of Princeton, USA

Claire White is a materials scientist and her research focuses on understanding and optimizing engineering and environmental materials. She has gained recognition for uncovering and controlling the chemical mechanisms responsible for formation and long-term degradation of alternative cements. Her research spans multiple length and time scales, utilizing advanced synchrotron and neutron-based experimental techniques, and atomic and mesoscale simulation methodologies. In this way she is contributing to the optimisation of the structure and stability of sustainable cements and concrete.

Dr. White is an active RILEM member who has contributed to the Technical Committee on Durability testing of alkali-activated materials (TC 247-DTA) and as reviewer for the journal Materials and Structures. She has won several prizes for her outstanding research, such as a career award from the National Science Foundation and an award by the Neutron Scattering Society of America in recognition of her outstanding accomplishments in the area of neutron scattering. She is also a regular invited presenter on seminars and conferences.

Congratulations to them!

They will be present at the Second RILEM Spring Convention in Rovinj, Croatia. On Wednesday 20 March 2019, they will give lectures on:

  • "Mechanics and durability of textile reinforced composites" by Bahman Ghiassi
  • "Uncovering and Optimizing the Chemical Mechanisms in Alkali-activated Materials and Related Engineering Systems" by Claire White

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