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2018 Gustavo Colonnetti medalists

02 March 2018 Association
Viewed 1093 times

We are pleased to announce the 2018 Gustavo Colonnetti medalists:

  • Dr. Sergio H. P. Cavalaro, School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University
  • Dr. Didier Snoeck, Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research - Ghent University


They will be present at the First RILEM Spring Convention in Barcelona, Spain. On Tuesday 20 March 2018, they will give lectures on:

  • "Connecting the underground world with fibres" by Sergio Cavalaro
  • "Superabsorbent polymers to seal and heal cracks in cementitious materials" by Didier Snoeck.


Congratulations to them!!

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