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15th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, 16-19 June 2015, Delft, The Netherlands

20 April 2015
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There is no Concrete Microscopy Course in 2015 but the Delft University of Technology is organizing the 15th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials on 16-19 June 2015, in Delft, The Netherlands.


EMABM is one of the most important meeting series which brings academicians, students, engineers, geoscientists and industry professionals together in order to share the latest developments and results in the field of building materials characterization. EMABM covers all traditional and modern materials characterization techniques while special emphasis is given on microscopy.


The Euroseminar community celebrates its 15th biannual meeting in the city of Delft, The Netherlands. The organizing committee is pleased to welcome the Euroseminar for the second time after the successful event in 1999. Delft is one of the cradle cities of microscopy and the home town of Anthony van Leeuwenhoek; the pioneer of microscopy in the 17th century.


One of the highlights of EMABM 2015 will be the 1st EMABM Photomicrography Competition.Euroseminar participants are invited to submit their best optical and/or electron photomicrographs to the competition. Our aim with this competition is to promote the importance of high quality photomicrography in building materials characterization.


More information at

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