Interview with Dr Fragkoulis Kanavaris
It is with immense pleasure that RILEM broadcasts the interview with one of the two 2025 Gustavo Colonnetti medallists: Dr Fragkoulis Kanavaris. In this interview, Dr Kanavaris talks about the impact of his work in the decarbonisation process of the built environment, and the special place that RILEM has had in his career.


New corporate
RILEM is excited to welcome a new corporate member: EUROBITUME! Eurobitume, the European Association of bitumen producers, is a central, unified voice for bitumen producers and marketers across Europe. The Technical Committees of Cluster F look forward to welcoming on board the EUROBITUME staff!


EATA 2025
RILEM will be at the 11th Conference of the European Asphalt Technology Association (EATA), on 10-12 June 2025, in Ancona, Italy! Look for the RILEM banner, and the desk with the RILEM books... we will be there! Early bird registration fees expire in less than a week. Hurry up to register!


RILEM is happy to co-sponsor the International Symposium on Volume Changes of Hardening Concrete (ISVCHC), taking place in Nanjing, China, on  9-10 November 2025. As one of the activities of RILEM TC 284-CEC, the ISVCHC focuses on the Measurement, Mechanisms and Mitigation of Volume Changes of Hardening Concrete. Authors are invited to submit abstracts of approximately 300 words by April 1st, 2025.


GBDI’s Open Building Data Platform Launch 
Were you unable to attend the GBDI’s Open Building Data Platform Launch on 26 February? Or you didn’t miss it, but you wish to rewatch this event? Great news! The recording and presentations are now available here!

Did you know that...

… RILEM co-sponsors a summer school on “Carbon storage in net zero construction products”, open to PhD students, with no registration fees, and covered accommodation? You only have to arrange your own travel to Island Zlarin, Croatia, and be there on 26-29 May 2025. But wait… you have to register first! Participation is limited to 15 participants. Secure your spot by completing this application form.

upcoming rilem events

The RILEM newsletter BITS&BOBS stands for Bright In-house Talks and Statements & Brilliant Outsourced Businesses and Stories.