New RILEM Recommendation
Shiotani, T., Watabe, K. & RILEM Technical Committee. Recommendation of RILEM TC 269-IAM: damage assessment in consideration of repair/retrofit-recovery in concrete and masonry structures by means of innovative NDT. Mater Struct 58, 45 (2025) is the latest recommendation published by RILEM! This open access paper specifies a method for measuring active elastic waves and assessing damage to concrete members such as decks and girders.


RYS Silver Sponsors
The organisers of the first edition of the RILEM Youth Symposium (RYS) are happy to announce that NETZSCH and Kerakoll are Silver Sponsors of this event! Interested in supporting the RYS? Please, contact the RYS2025 Chair: or visit this page!


New RILEM corporate
RILEM welcomes on board a new corporate member: the Beirut Arab University (BAU)! Established in 1960, BAU is a leading academic institution in Lebanon dedicated to fostering excellence in education, research, and community engagement.

Did you know that...

RILEM Tech Lett has broadened its scope to include new contributions from the RILEM Technical Committees (TCs)? Highlights include mission statements and research needs from newly formed TCs, like the recent opening letters from TC CTM Testing Methods For Masonry Cores and TC MBB Mechanical behaviour of bio-aggregates based buildings materials. Enjoy these open access letters!


UN report
It is 1-year old, but it is still a very useful reference for the decarbonation practices of the building materials sector: Building Materials and the Climate: Constructing a New Future is a report developed by UNEP, Yale Center for Ecosystems + Architecture in the framework of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC). Free to be downloaded!

upcoming rilem events

The RILEM newsletter BITS&BOBS stands for Bright In-house Talks and Statements & Brilliant Outsourced Businesses and Stories.