New TC 281-CCC paper
"Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC -A critical review of the standardised testing methods to determine carbonation resistance of concrete", by Susan A. Bernal et al. is the new paper of the Technical Committee 281-CCC. This paper is part of a collection of other outcomes from the same TC.


 New in RILEM Technical Letters 
Summary of RILEM Technical Committee 279-WMR (Valorisation of Waste and Secondary Materials for Roads) activities has been recently published by RILEM Technical Letters. This Open Access paper is available for free download!


EAC courses in Delft
Two courses will be offered in Delft, the Netherlands, in October this year:
- CSC²I Corrosion Science & Corrosion Control for Infrastructure, 7-10 October 2024
- MMC2 Multi-scale Modelling Course for Concrete, 7-11 October 2024.
Hurry up to register!


Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques
RILEM is happy to co-sponsor the 15th International Conference "Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques", taking place on 12-15 May 2026, in Vilnius, Lithuania. The full papers submission system will open on 1 January 2025. Abstracts will not be collected. Only full papers will be reviewed.


HMC 2025
RILEM is happy to co-sponsor the 7th Historic Mortars Conference - HMC 2025, taking place on 2-4 September 2025 in Padova, Italy. The submission of extended abstracts is open now, and it will close on 15 March 2025.

upcoming rilem events

The RILEM newsletter BITS&BOBS stands for Bright In-house Talks and Statements & Brilliant Outsourced Businesses and Stories.