Join a TC

TC meetings participant

All participants to a RILEM TC:

  • must be a RILEM member or registered user. If you have not registered, please click here.
    • A RILEM member (subscribing member) who actively contributes to the TC outputs (articles, STARs, etc) will be listed as a TC member and author on the TC outputs. 
    • A registered user (non subscribing member) is welcome to participate in TC meetings. However, he/she will not be listed as a TC member nor as an author on the TC outputs. He/she could possibly be acknowledged as a contributor in a separate list on those outputs where he/she actively contributed. Therefore, we highly recommend that registered users subscribe to a RILEM membership which will give them rights to TC membership and authorship.
  • must fill in the Join a TC registration form (Please note that you will start as an "observer" and based on your active participation, the TC chair can decide to change your status from "observer" to "TC member or TC participant".)



RILEM is an international network of experts in the field of construction with a variety of objectives serving not only our technical community but also extending benefits to each individual member. Since both objectives can be met through active co-operation in RILEM committees it is a general policy of our organisation that members of Technical Committees should be RILEM members as well (either as Individual Member, or as a staff member of a Titular* or Industrial Member).
It is obvious that the operation and management of such an international organisation also requires financial means and in this respect, the organisation depends on the membership fees.
I would like to invite you to confirm your registration as a RILEM Senior Member(1). In this quality, you are entitled to all benefits of our organisation, however, also contributing to the budget for the operation and management of our organisation. I hope you will confirm today your registration, thus expressing your solidarity to RILEM Technical Activities.
I would like very much you could start as a member of one of our RILEM Technical Committees.

 Dr. Carmen Andrade, President of RILEM (2000-2003)

* Titular member is now Institutional member .

(1) Members under the age of 35 years can be invited to participate in a RILEM TC as RILEM Young Member. 


Appointment of a RILEM TC Member

Any RILEM member can become a TC member even if s/he has no background on the topic. All RILEM members should be allowed to learn about a new topic by joining a TC. Nevertheless, the TC Chairs can decide to refuse additional members in the final year of the TC. Interested RILEM members should be given the option to join meetings as guests though.

All members of a RILEM TC should be individual members of RILEM or belong to a corporate member organisation throughout the life of the TC.

A TC member is appointed by name. No delegation or temporary replacement is possible, in order to ensure the best efficiency of the TC work.

RILEM would like to remind everyone that its young members (under the age of 35) are strongly encouraged to join a TC.


Advantages of a RILEM TC Member

Becoming a RILEM member allows you to participate in RILEM TC meetings, be listed as author of all TC outputs and as a TC member on RILEM website.

Each RILEM TC member receives:

  • a personal free access (with user name and password) to the private directories of the RILEM TC hosted at, where working documents, agendas and minutes of the TC (uploaded directly by the TC Chair or his Deputy Chair) can be downloaded;
  • a personal access to each document produced by the RILEM Technical Committee.


Assignments of a RILEM TC Member

According to the Statutes and By-laws of RILEM, each RILEM TC member:

  • should cooperate actively with the Chair and colleagues (also for members not attending the meetings on a regular basis, but having to contribute to the work at least by correspondence)
  • should support RILEM strategy and organisation.
  • should be either an individual member, or a staff member employed by a RILEM Institutional or Industrial Member. Individual Members are registered with a full membership fee including the online version of our journal Materials and Structures. A special discount fee is applicable for countries according to their GDP per capita. Members with 40 or 60% discount will benefit of all services (the complete list of countries can be found on the Membership page).

The membership fee is not an “ entrance fee ” for being allowed to contribute to the TC work. It is in fact a practical mean for the TC Members of expressing their solidarity and support in the activity of RILEM, the only income for the Association being the fees paid by its members.

Confidentiality Clause

None of the TC working documents should be circulated, duplicated or copied by any means, or published on any web page, journal, proceedings of conferences, etc. Any TC Member and TC participant is bounded with this mandatory rule. Any publication of RILEM TC working documents is submitted to the rules defined by RILEM. Until official publication by RILEM, such working documents should remain confidential.

Only the names of the RILEM active members of the TC appear in the online list of the TC and only these names will appear in all the publications of the TC (STAR, recommendation, etc.)