188-CSC: Casting of self-compacting concrete

Organizers / Managers

Technical Committee 188-CSC

General Information

Deputy Chair: Dr Peter H. BILLBERG
Activity starting in: 2000
Cluster B

Subject matter

Concrete having the property of being self-compacting does not require any external energy input from vibrators for compaction. This property offers substantial possibilities for an improved productivity improved performance and reduced cost in the casting stage. Aspects to consider are, among others, modified functional requirements on the concrete material, internal transport methods, form filling procedures, formwork configuration, casting in enclosed spaces, finishing and curing. New quality assurance procedures, control procedures and simulation techniques will emerge and should be analysed. The avoidance of vibration compaction reduces the forces on the formwork during the casting process, which is advantageous in formwork design. On the other hand, a concrete behaving like a liquid might increase the pressure on the formwork compared to stiffer, less viscous normal concrete. The possibility of giving SCC a thixotropic behaviour to reduce formwork pressure is an important development area. Sensors for monitoring casting in enclosed spaces and suitable procedures for finishing are other examples of important aspects.

Terms of reference

The work is foreseen to focus on the assembling of relevant present knowledge on various aspects on the casting of SCC. The knowledge will be further developed through technical discussions and a workshop and result in a synthesising report on available open knowledge on aspects on casting of SCC. The proposed committee should be composed of expertise on: * Self-compacting concrete production technology * Self-compacting concrete materials technology * Pumping of concrete * Sensor technology * Formwork design, formwork products and systems The objective of the work will require participation from various research disciplines as well as from applied industrial research and development. The committee is targeted to be composed of approximately 15 full members to achieve an efficient work mode. The members shall have experience from the relevant areas of discussion and at present be active in those areas. A worldwide spread of members will be looked for. The committee will be open also for a few younger members without previous experience from the TC field but with present work in the area. RILEM members from industry are particularly encouraged to participate. The members are expected to be willing to take active part in meetings as well as in the development of documents within the committee. No corresponding members are foreseen to be accepted as the work will be based on mutual contribution and benefit from generated new knowledge among active participants during the course of the work. Results from the committee work will be published and spread openly.

Detailed working programme

The first phase will comprise collection and evaluation of information. Functional performance criteria will be matched with the mechanisms determining the behaviour of the fresh concrete. Methods of testing and evaluation will be addressed. In a second phase a limited workshop by invitation is foreseen to discuss and analyse the present state of the art. In a third phase, synthesising technical reports will be developed. It should be underlined that the working programme will be subject for discussion upon start of the work which might modify the above said.

Technical environment

The work fit in with the RILEM area: "Improved and controlled manufacture of materials and structures." The committee is building further on the work of RILEM TC 174-SCC but restricted to aspects on the casting process. Some members from 174-SCC are likely to participate in the new committee. Expected achievements Even if the publication output from the committee work is difficult to describe before start, a reasonable scenario is that the following publications - hopefully suitable and acceptable for publishing by RILEM - might be anticipated: * Report (proceedings) from the workshop * On or two technical reports * A report on testing and quality assurance In addition, the committee work is hoped to be valuable and play a role in the work and publishing by individual research members as well as in product and process development by industrial members.

Expected achievements

Even if the publication output from the committee work is difficult to describe before start, a reasonable scenario is that the following publications - hopefully suitable and acceptable for publishing by RILEM - might be anticipated: * Report (proceedings) from the workshop * On or two technical reports * A report on testing and quality assurance In addition, the committee work is hoped to be valuable and play a role in the work and publishing by individual research members as well as in product and process development by industrial members.

Group of users

# Contractors # Formwork suppliers # Sensor suppliers # Pump suppliers # Concrete producers # Formwork product supplier

Specific use of the results

The objective of the work is to further develop the technology of self-compacting concrete making use of the potential it offers of improved productivity, improved working environment, improved performance and lower cost.