Event submission form

I, acting as the representative of the below event, officially agree, if RILEM approves this event, to follow the general rules described in the annex. I have duly noted that each circulating document related to this event should be mailed to RILEM Secretariat General.



Date begin


Date end




Venue address

Contact email (this email address will be published on the website)


Name of the person who will present the RILEM Association


Email of the person who will present the RILEM Association




Summarised objectives of the Conference or Workshop (2 or 3 lines)




Other international associations approached for scientific co-sponsorship (5 Maximum)


Expected participants


Registration mode


Previous conference or workshop in this series


Official Language(s)


Proceedings will be published by


Name and function (for the event) of the Applicant




Additional documents (accepted formats : pdf, doc, docx, xlsx, rtf, txt, ppt, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp) (1)


Additional documents (accepted formats : pdf, doc, docx, xlsx, rtf, txt, ppt, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp) (1)

(1) Details of the scope, outline programme, scientific committee membership, provisional deadlines for abstracts and final manuscripts, must be annexed and attached (in Word or pdf format). It is essential that RILEM Members are part of the scientific Committee of a co-sponsored event. Please highlight the names of RILEM Members in Bold. Please also attach a photo to be used on the website and social media in case your event is co-sponsored by RILEM.