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Region : Latin America
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XI Congreso Internacional y 25° Reunión Técnica de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología del Hormigón

The Technical Meetings (RT) of AATH and International Congresses represent the most important scientific and technological events in Argentina related R&D on all the topics related to Concrete Technology: Studies on the physical and chemical aspects related to the performance of concrete and its constituents; new concrete types; design and development of testing methods for the characteristics and quality control of concrete; causes of premature obsolescence of concrete structures; and descriptions of the design and construction of large works and the new construction techniques used; among others.


New deadline for receiving articles is June 30, 2024.

from Monday 9th September
to Friday 13th September 2024
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Córdoba
Av. Maestro M. López esquina Av. Cruz Roja Argentina
Cordoba, Argentina

Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Córdoba

Av. Maestro M. López esquina Av. Cruz Roja Argentina
Cordoba, Argentina

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from Monday 9th September
to Friday 13th September 2024
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Córdoba
Av. Maestro M. López esquina Av. Cruz Roja Argentina
Cordoba, Argentina
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