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Region : North America & Caribbean

Using the Multi-Level Assessment to Assess Condition of AAR-Affected Concrete
The University of Ottawa’s uStructure Research Group is offering a condensed course on the use of the multi-level assessment protocol to assess the current condition of concrete infrastructure affected by alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR). The multi-level assessment protocol entails using microscopic and mechanical test procedures, namely the damage rating index (DRI) and stiffness damage test (SDT) respectively, to appraise the cause(s) and extent (i.e., diagnosis) of concrete deterioration. The multi-level assessment protocol is often used in North America, particularly in Canada, to evaluate the condition of aging infrastructure.
The learning outcomes of this course will offer an overview of the multi-level assessment concept and protocol as a combination of microscopic and mechanical procedures (i.e., DRI & SDT) focusing on implementation of the tools (testing set-ups), a hands-on experience by observing where SDT and DRI tests will be performed and followed by discussions and exercises on data collection and treatment.
The workshop’s learning activities are:
conduct or instruct laboratory technical staff to conduct the SDT, prepare the spreadsheet for SDT data treatment and analysis, along with extracting the SDT outputs (stiffness damage index – SDI, plastic deformation index –PDI, modulus of elasticity, and non-linearity index –NLI),
conduct the DRI, prepare the spreadsheet for DRI data treatment and analysis as well as computing DRI outputs (DRI number, extended versions, and damage “heat” maps), and
use the multi-level assessment approach to combine the SDT and DRI results and indicate a conceivable level of AAR-induced damage.
This course will offer a student-centred approach with an open dialogue throughout the workshop to foster peer-to-peer learning. The learning assessments will therefore be provided as participation and a performance-based activity. Participation will be evaluated through a digital platform smartphone app and the course’s technical support team. The performance-based activity will be performed in a group (no more than 3 students) where the participants will be given a set of data and will need to provide the SDT outcomes and DRI number along with the anticipated level of AAR-induced damage. The participants will be given feedback from the instructors following a round-table discussion of the results they have obtained. The course’s technical support team will evaluate the groups and the individual's performance based on the required tasks. A certificate of completion will be given to participants having completed all tasks required in the course. A survey at the end of the course will be delivered to participants to provide feedback to the course organizers for future improvement and developments.
Saturday May 18th, 2024 (one-day)
Rennan Medeiros and Olusola David Olajide
Room 117 STEM Complex
University of Ottawa
160 Louis-Pasteur Private
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1N 1A2
$ 250 CAD, including hand-outs (PDF), light breakfast/refreshments and lunch.
Workshop Registration is Available Here
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Saturday 18 May 2024
University of Ottawa
160 Louis-Pasteur Private
K1N 1A2
Ottawa, Canada
University of Ottawa
160 Louis-Pasteur PrivateK1N 1A2 Ottawa, Canada
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