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SynerCrete'23 - International RILEM conference on synergising expertise towards sustainability and robustness of cement-based materials and concrete structures

After receiving an astonishing number of submissions the conference has been extended to 14 June. This day will be dedicated to the RILEM TCs: in the morning the TCs will organise their working meetings while in the afternoon the SynerCrete'23 event will begin  with a series of the TC special sessions. These sessions will be open to all SynerCrete'23 participants. The day will close with a welcome reception banquet at the Milos Conference Centre.


Understanding the complex behaviour of cement-based materials (CBM) and concrete structures during their entire lifecycle demands that researchers transcend approaches based on a single discipline. Interdisciplinary work is known, however, to bring important challenges in the view of the need to combine approaches and methods that are very distinct by nature, as well as enabling adequate communication between scientific fields with different (sometimes conflicting) terminologies, different perspectives and different collaboration practices/dynamics.

Following the legacy of COST Action TU1404, which initiated the SynerCrete conference series in 2018, the 2023 Edition aims to continue the pursuit of bringing together relevant stakeholders in order to synergize their expertise by accelerating transfer of knowledge and promoting international and inter-speciality exchange of information, creating avenues for new developments towards more robust and sustainable solutions for cement-based materials and concrete structures. COST Action TU1404 “Towards the next generation of standards for service life of cement-based materials and structures” and associated RILEM TCs 254-CMS and 287-CCS have brought about significant interdisciplinary collaboration, mostly between material scientists and structural engineers, with involvement of several other disciplines. Bridging between experts in experimental work and experts in numerical simulation has also been a strong focus.

The conference will consist of lectures by researchers and other professionals from a variety of scientific disciplines in works targeted to cement-based materials and structures, as well as a selected panel of invited speakers. The conference is intended for researchers and practitioners at any career level who have interest in deepening knowledge on the targeted subjects.

Conference Topics

The focus of the conference is given to synergising interdisciplinary expertise on cement-based materials and concrete structures towards more robust and sustainable solutions on both material and structural level. Therefore, in view of this global reasoning the following set of sub-topics was envisaged:

  • Concrete technology, durability and advanced material testing
  • Cement replacement materials
  • Bio-based, geopolymers, alkali-activated materials and other novel binders
  • Natural and calcined natural pozzolans and calcination processes
  • Fibre-reinforced concrete and non-metallic reinforcement
  • Multi-scale in time and space modelling and experiments
  • Multi-physics simulation and structural design
  • Sustainability and life-cycle assessment of concrete materials and structures
  • BIM and structural concrete
  • Robotics and cement-based materials
  • Digital fabrication
  • On-site monitoring and structural condition assessment
  • Scientific insights vs. standardization


Key Dates

  • Abstract submission (extended!) 15.09.2022
  • Notification of abstract approval 31.08.2022 / 30.09.2022
  • Full text submission (extended!) 01.12.2022
  • Notification of full text approval 31.12.2022
  • Final full text submission 31.01.2023
  • Early-bird registration 01.06.2022 - 31.01.2023
  • Regular registration 01.02.2023 - 31.05.2023
  • The event 15-16.06.2023 (welcome reception on 14.06 evening)
from Wednesday 14th June
to Friday 16th June 2023
Milos Conference Centre
848 01 Milos, Greece

Milos Conference Centre

848 01 Milos, Greece

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from Wednesday 14th June
to Friday 16th June 2023
Milos Conference Centre
848 01 Milos, Greece
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