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Second Young Researchers Workshop on Cement and Concrete Technologies

Concrete is the most widely used structural material and with a huge industry is behind it. Research activities on cement and concrete related topics are varied in terms of subject matter and geographical distribution. This also involves a significant number of Young Researchers (as PhD students and fellowship holders) whose activities feed both the academy and the industry.

The aim of this Workshop is to encourage interaction between Young Researchers working on related topics, to promote joint activities, exchange ideas and information and strengthen collaboration between colleagues.

Papers should be written in Spanish and should be sent before 15 August 2021 to, indicating in the subject "Extended Abstract" and the surname of the first author.

In all cases the first author and presenter of the paper must be a Young Researcher, understood as an undergraduate or graduate student, or graduate or postdoctoral research fellow. The papers must comply with the guidelines in the attached Template and may deal with a specific research, an ongoing line of research or an analysis of literature that points out points of gaps of knowledge in the subject.

The proceedings of the conference will be published online as Open Access with ISBN number. The outstanding extended abstracts received will be acknowledged with a Special Mention.

This Workshop is open to all public. For registration and additional information contact us at

from Thursday 14th October
to Friday 15th October 2021
Online event

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from Thursday 14th October
to Friday 15th October 2021
Online event
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