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RILEM Webinar: Bottlenecks and Potentials for Sustainable Structures

The Joint Committee on the GLOBE Consensus (JCGC) is happy to invite all stakeholders of the built environment and the future of our planet, to a webinar on Bottlenecks and Potentials for Sustainable Structures on Monday 24th of January from 14-16 CET. Register here for free.

The event will highlight the positions of key international decision makers and stakeholders within the built environment, including major owner organizations, construction companies, consulting companies and regulatory authorities. The ideas and points of view collected during the webinar will provide a basis for a presence workshop organized by the JCGC on the development of the JCGC Policy Advice Note on Global Sustainable Developments in the Built Environment.

Climate change is a global challenge humanity and the entire globe is confronted with. The successful implementation of sustainable societal developments to overcome these challenges necessitates the involvement of all societal, industrial, political and financial players to find the right measures to contribute to a better environment.

The built environment forms the foundation of human welfare and thus is inevitable part of human coexistence. However, materials and structures are also key contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and resource depletion. Therefore, urgent actions are required to enhance the sustainability of resource use, processes, technologies, materials and structures that form the built environment. The Joint Committee on the GLOBE Consensus (JCGC), hence, has put a top priority on the preparation and dissemination of a high-level Policy Advice Note on measures which can be implemented at global scale, in the short term and with highest efficiency. However, a variety of bottlenecks exist that slow down the implementation of positive actions.


  • Introduction to Globe Consensus:  Michael Havbro Faber, president of the Joint Committee of the GLOBE Consensus
  • Objective of the April Workshop and this “primer”:  Karen Scrivener, JCGC Member
  • Series of short statements of leading people in construction sector
  • Moderated, interactive round table discussion with Q&A from the audience
  • Wrap-up and future direction
Monday 24th January 2022
14h00 - 16h00 (GMT +2)
Online event

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Monday 24th January 2022
14h00 - 16h00 (GMT +2)
Online event
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