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Online Workshop on “Recent Advances in Science and Technology of Concrete”

The global lockdown due to the health crisis brought about by COVID-19 has motivated the need to rethink on how, when restrictions are placed on travel and gathering, to conduct conferences and workshops without participants being in the same physical space yet maintaining the possibility of interaction and discussion. In the recent RILEM Convention held in Guimarāes, Portugal, the conference organizers had to improvise and move all meetings and conference sessions to online modes, with remarkable success. Inspired by the experience, it is proposed that a RILEM Online Conferences & Transfer of Knowledge (ROC&TOK) Series be facilitated and promoted to continue having scientific discussions and dissemination of new research findings when conventional gatherings are not feasible. The online conferences would also significantly reduce costs of travel and organization, leading the reduction of carbon footprint and enabling the participation of people from regions that are short of resources. The benefits of conventional conferences, such as networking, social interactions and collateral visits, are appreciated and not to be discouraged, nevertheless.

To initiate such a series of online events, it is planned to have a half-day workshop with presentations on recent research findings in the area of concrete from the Construction Materials Group at IIT Madras. The topics covered will be useful to academics, researchers, post-graduate students and practitioners from the construction sector.


Participants who pay the registration fee will be eligible to connect through Zoom with a password, chat with the speakers and ask questions, and will receive a certificate of participation through email.

Registration fee: Rs. 250 (about US$ 3.50). Limited to about 60 participants

Please enter your details in the Google form that can be accessed with this link: 

We will contact you by email with the registration information.

Pre-registration will close on 29th April 2020. The workshop can be followed on YouTube in The URL will be posted on the RILEM Facebook site.

Saturday 2nd May 2020
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, India

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Chennai, India

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Saturday 2nd May 2020
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, India
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